Moment Opname(n)
a social practice and a reflecting installation


De Schuur, Haarlem 

Following a social practice for De Schuur, parallel to the performance Orlando directed by Loek de Bakker, Mara van Nes and Nicky Vroegop developed an artistic intervention in the foyer. A conversation, through a large mirror, in which we jointly investigate how space and time influence who you think you are.

During the social practice she worked with four young fluid artists (aged 15-20) towards a self-portrait in four sessions. Inspired by many self-portraits from art history, conversations about 'knowing for sure who you are' or not, and their own fascinations. In an exhibition in the foyer they present who they are at this moment.

While viewing the exhibition you can listen to fragments of conversations that took place during the making of the portraits. About the desire to have Johnny Depp's moustache, about how boys' clothes always fit better than girls' clothes, about cutting your hair as the first step of transition, about feeling possessed by puberty and about knowing who you are and at the same time not knowing.

In addition to the exhibition of the self-portraits and the audio recordings, Mara van Nes and Nicky Vroegop, in response to the conversations with the young artists, developed an artistic intervention that will take place in the foyer after Orlando. A conversation, through a large mirror, in which we jointly investigate how space and time influence who you think you are.

concept: Mara van Nes & Nicky Vroegop
text: Mara van Nes & poems by Jeroen Theunissen
senography: Nicky Vroegop
exhibition by: Matt Pendrick, Anna Fisser, Jasmijn Dirkson en Léna Jacobs
Thanks to: De Schuur, Yuen Kwan Lo, Loek de Bakker, Pim van de Heuvel, Jelmer, Virgina Woolf & Albert Einstein 

Powerd by Het VSB fonds